Michael K Jenson
Michael Jenson has a diverse Humanities & professional background with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Texas, Arlington, a Masters in Architecture from Columbia University, and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh. Alongside his role in the Office of Research Services as Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research/Creative Activities in support of cross-disciplinary faculty research, Michael is a Professor of Architecture in the College of Architecture and Planning. His teaching and research explores innovative interdisciplinary dialogues having the capacity to transform design practice, emergent outlooks on health and the environment, the relationship between architecture and philosophy, and the emergence of environmental challenges in the wake of globalization. He has published in journals such as Open House International, Drain Magazine, The Journal of Architecture, The Journal of Utopian Studies, and MONU (Magazine on Urbanism) as well as contributed to the books Design Studio Pedagogy: Horizons for the Future and Global Media, Culture, and Identity. His most recent publication is a book with Routledge entitled: Mapping the Global Architect of Alterity: Practice, Representation and Education.